The Binder Method of seed organizer is simple and the supplies are most likely already in your home.
Being organized when you have many seed packets is essential. This method will keep all your seeds at your fingertips so you never miss planting seeds because you misplaced them!
You may very well have everything you need at home already. If not, doing this project is very low cost and the return on your investment is huge!
You will need a binder. I found that a 3-ring 4-inch binder was necessary for my needs as I have many, many seeds. However, if you are starting small you can use a smaller binder. You will also need a pack of photo album refill pages.
Items Needed:
- 3 Ring Binder
- Packet of Photo Album Refill Pages
- Packets of Seeds
The Photo Album Refills pages I purchased were 3.5 x 5 pockets 4 to a page that came in a 25 pack. So I was able to get 8 packets per page (front and back).
You can organize the seeds by type (for example- herbs, vegetables, flowers, etc.), by annual or perennial, alphabetical order, or however you feel it works best for your needs.
This method allows you to flip through pages and easily see what you have. The binder will fit easily on a shelf and you can carry it with you to plant your seeds and put it back when done.
Please see our YouTube video below as I walk you through setting up my seed binder.